Friday, April 30, 2010

Call Me Calista

I met a guy last week.  For the first time in over two years I found myself thinking that I really was attracted to someone.  Now, I didn't let myself get too infatuated, I don't know enough about him, he might even be married.  He doesn't wear a wedding ring, but I know well that that doesn't mean he's not married.

I have spent about 26 hours with him in training for a job I got.  He is one of the trainers so I have learned a bit about his personality.  He seems kind, with a good sense of humor, intelligent, and easy going.  He is handsome, to me.  He has golden flecks in his eyes, which makes me sound like a doe-eyed teenager, but it is one of the first things I noticed besides his smile. 

So I've been thinking, when this job is over, I think I would go out with this trainer man (TM for short).  I would definately kiss him. 

Then today, he was talking with the other trainer and there were only about 5 of us in the room and the other trainer asked him about grandchildren and he said, "Oh yeah, I've got two."  I instantly perked up and thought, "He's got grandchildren?!"  But then I thought of my friend who had 3 grandchildren by the time she was 39.  And I thought, "Okay, no biggie, he's probably like 48-49.  Definitely possible."  Then he says, "My oldest grandson is 17, and my youngest...."  WTH?!  What?!  17?!  I couldn't help myself, I blurted out, "Nuh-uh!  You don't have a 17 year old grandson!"  and he said, "Yes I do."  and I exclaimed, "No you don't!  I don't believe you!"  And he said, "Yes I do.  Here is his picture."  And I said, "No Way!  You do not!"  Which by now was getting stupid, but really, I couldn't have been more shocked if he had announced he was actually a woman.  Then I said, "How old are you?" and he replied, "63".  SIXTY-THREE?!!!!!   Where do I go from there?  I said, "No way!", again sounding like a teenager with a 10 word vocabulary.  And he says, "Why?  Did you think I was younger?"  And I say, "YES! Much younger!" to which he replied, "Well, thanks".

SIXTY-THREE!  And I wanted to kiss him.  Maybe even date him.  But definitely kiss him.  Do you know that he is twenty-one years older than me?  21!  TWENTY-ONE! 

Honestly though, I would have thought that I would be grossed out by the thought of kissing someone 21 years older than me.  I have spent most of the day thinking about it.  He was only 9 years younger than my dad, but 23 years older than me.  I keep thinking that I can't believe he is that much older.

Then today after my field test I dropped off the evaluator and TM was outside and I said hi.  He walked over to my car to talk to me and I rolled my window down.  He leaned over and rested his hands on my window sill, just two feet from me and asked how it went.  All very professional, but his golden eyes were right there, his nice smile, and he is actually really cute, and nice, and that huge age difference didn't seem to dent the iron clad armor of my totally wayward sex drive which I seem to constantly be reigning in.  So, honestly, if TM made a move I would probably still go for it.  Is that gross?  I guess I would think it was if he seemed 63.  But he doesn't.

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