Monday, July 19, 2010

Takin' Out the Trash

My teenage son just helped me purge our cupboards.  We got rid of anything with high fat, high sodium, or high sugars (not like fruit, but processed sugars).  We went through the cupboards, fridge, and freezer.  We got rid of 7 bags of food.  It was hard and at one point I said, "We should save this stuff and give it to a food bank", but my son is wise beyond his years and he said, "If we keep it, we won't donate it, we'll just eat it, or put it back in our cupboards."  He is right.  That's exactly what we would do.   I had to tell myself that it was no different than throwing it down my throat and into my body, in which case it would be gone and not help anyone else, but that in this way it is healthier.  We filled up our huge wheeled garbage can and took it to the curb to be picked up in the morning.

I wouldn't have been so ruthless without his help.  I would have probably kept half of it.  I did keep 4 cake mixes and 2 brownie mixes, but I'm not too worried about them as I don't bake much.  I figure we have Rocky's b-day next week and will make a cake for that and then we will hang on to the rest for church parties.  I'm on the activity committee and am often asked to bring a tray of brownies or something like that.

We didn't do the canned food cupboard, cause we forgot.  It will have a lot to throw away - popcorn, creamed soup mixes, etc...  We may save a few items in food storage, but most will be tossed.  We have canned veggies, but I think I will keep them and rinse them well before eating.  Not perfect, but not a total waste either.

Austin is very supportive of my goals to eat healthier.  He even said he'd try to switch to a milk substitute.  I am so glad to have his support.  I hope that following this diet will help me feel better quickly!

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